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Research Library
TNR reduces cat numbers on Louisiana hospital campus in three-year study
Baton Rouge hospital sees 12% reduction in free-roaming cat population after switching from lethal removal to trap-neuter-return (TNR).
Targeted TNR reduces feline intake and shelter killing in Florida study
Study published in The Veterinary Journal details results of two-year TNR program on shelter cat intake and killing in one Florida zip code.
Intensity matters: Lessons learned from cat population modeling
Computer modeling study compares lethal and non-lethal methods for managing free-roaming cats over 10-year period.
Cats on campus: Updated results from a university-based TNR program
Results of a campus TNR program over 28 years. Study examines effectiveness of trap-neuter-return at University of Central Florida (UCF).
Long-term TNR results: The ORCAT Program in Key Largo
Study published in Frontiers of Veterinary Science explores the impact of a 23-year TNR program conducted in Key Largo, Florida.
What to do with feral cats: Examining TNR for population management
As communities across the U.S. consider how best to manage free-roaming cats, the NFRC reviews the trap-neuter-return (TNR) method's impact.
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