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black and white ear-tipped cat with piercing yellow eyes

Exploring the science behind free-roaming cats and kittens

Rigorous research for managing feral and stray cats.

The mission of the National Feline Research Council (NFRC) is to compile, analyze, and disseminate rigorous scientific research relevant to the efficient management of free-roaming cats.

ear-tipped tortoiseshell outdoor cat sitting near building

Fast Facts

Frequently asked questions about feral cats and their management.

Two gray feral cats emerging from a bush

Issue Briefs

Key issues related to managing stray and free-roaming cats.

hands holding two small stray kittens

Research Snapshots

Summaries of peer-reviewed studies on feral cat population control.


Questions about free-roaming cats and how TNR is an effective approach to save lives? 

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